Top WordPress News All in One Place Beginner's Guide for WordPress Thu, 20 Jun 2024 10:00:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Introducing Search & Replace Everything by WPCode: Bulk Editing in WordPress Made Easy Thu, 20 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0000 Have you ever wanted to make bulk updates to your WordPress site? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could update hundreds of posts with a single click… without having to update them manually? If you’re like me and most other smart website owners, then you… Read More »

The post Introducing Search & Replace Everything by WPCode: Bulk Editing in WordPress Made Easy first appeared on WPBeginner.

Have you ever wanted to make bulk updates to your WordPress site?

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could update hundreds of posts with a single click… without having to update them manually?

If you’re like me and most other smart website owners, then you have at least wished for this solution a couple of times in your WordPress journey.

Today, I am excited to announce the new Search & Replace Everything by WPCode, a free tool to easily perform bulk search and replace operations in WordPress.

Introducing Search & Replace Everything by WPCode

Why Did We Build This Tool?

By default, WordPress does not come with a Find and Replace tool. This makes it hard to do bulk updates on your site.

Especially if you want to quickly update a link on every page, change an image that’s used in multiple areas, or making bulk changes when you’re moving your site.

Website owners either have to update every page manually which is extremely inefficient and time-consuming, or hire a developer to write a SQL query which can be expensive.

And that’s why I decided to create Search & Replace Everything by WPCode.

Search & Replace Everything revolutionizes how you update your content on your site once and for all.

This tool is designed for anyone who manages a WordPress site and wants to save time and avoid errors.

Here are some of the top use cases:

  • Bulk Update Content in WordPress Posts: As the plugin’s name suggests, you can search and replace any content on your website with a single click.
  • Replace an Image Used Across Multiple Locations: Quickly replace outdated images anywhere on your site with the new ones with just a click.
  • Updating URLs After WordPress Migration: When you migrate a WordPress website to a new address, you can replace URLs pointing to the old address. The plugin helps you fix all broken links while also saving you time.

Making Bulk Changes in WordPress Effortlessly

With Search & Replace Everything, our goal is to make it easy to make bulk changes to your website.

Instead of writing complex SQL queries on your own or hiring a developer, you can enter what you want to search for and what you need to replace it with.

Let me show you what makes Search & Replace Everything incredibly powerful yet so simple.

1. Update Everything Quick and Easy

Search & Replace Everything comes with a clean user interface. Just go to the Tools » WP Search & Replace page, enter the content you want to find, and then add the content you want to replace it with.

This simple layout ensures that even non-technical users can perform complex operations without hassle.

Easy to use interface

2. Control Where to Search

Target your changes precisely by selecting specific database tables or searching across all tables for comprehensive updates.

This feature ensures you’re making changes exactly where needed, preventing any unintended modifications.

Select tables

3. Precision Search with Case Sensitivity

By default, the plugin performs case-sensitive searches, ensuring accurate and specific matches.

For example, a search for “WordPress” will not match “wordpress” or “WORDPRESS”.

However, if you need to make your searches case-insensitive, you can easily toggle the option. This allows you to find and replace text regardless of its case.

For instance, enabling case-insensitive search would allow “WordPress,” “wordpress,” and “WORDPRESS” to be treated as the same.

Case Insensitive searches

4. Preview Before Making Changes

Worried about making mistakes? Preview all the changes before you save them. This feature ensures you get everything right the first time.

Preview changes

5. Replace Any Image in Your Media Library

Replacing images used in multiple places? No problem.

Switch to the ‘Replace Image’ tab, find your image, and click ‘Replace’. It’s that simple.

Replace image in media library

6. Track & Undo Changes

You can keep track of Search & Replace activity in the ‘History’ tab. This allows you to quickly review the changes you made and undo them with the click of a button.

Track history and undo changes

Note: This feature is available with the paid plan with an introductory $30 discount.

6. Fast, Even on Large Websites

Performing site-wide search and replace operations consumes server resources, which could slow down or crash a website. Search & Replace Everything is designed to be fast and efficient, even if you have a larger website with tons of data.

With Search and Replace Everything, making bulk changes has never been easier.

What’s Coming Next?

Search & Replace Everything by WPCode provides an incredibly powerful tool for WordPress site owners.

It makes advanced database search and replacement operations quite simple for all users.

Before performing bulk updates, always create a fresh WordPress database backup. I recommend using Duplicator. It’s an easy way to back up your database and restore it with a single click if needed.

We’re truly building something special here. If you have ideas on how we can make the plugin more helpful to you, please send us your suggestions.

As always, thank you for your continued support of WPBeginner. We look forward to serving you for years to come.

Yours Truly,

Syed Balkhi
Founder of WPBeginner

The post Introducing Search & Replace Everything by WPCode: Bulk Editing in WordPress Made Easy first appeared on WPBeginner.

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What’s Coming in WordPress 6.6 (Features and Screenshots) Mon, 17 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0000 WordPress has already rolled out the beta for version 6.6 for testing. As the second major WordPress update of 2024, it involves a lot of hard work from many contributors. We’ve been closely following its development and are excited to share all the new features… Read More »

The post What’s Coming in WordPress 6.6 (Features and Screenshots) first appeared on WPBeginner.

WordPress has already rolled out the beta for version 6.6 for testing.

As the second major WordPress update of 2024, it involves a lot of hard work from many contributors. We’ve been closely following its development and are excited to share all the new features expected in this release.

Let’s dive into the fantastic features and enhancements coming in WordPress 6.6.

What to expect from the upcoming WordPress 6.6 release

Note: You can try out the beta version on your computer or a staging environment using the WordPress Beta Tester plugin. Keep in mind that some features in the beta may not make it to the final release.

Here’s a quick overview of changes coming in WordPress 6.6:

Improved Data Views in Site Editor

WordPress continues progressing towards updating the admin area and giving it a more modern look.

WordPress 6.6 does some of that work in the site editor’s data view enhancements, making it easier to navigate and use.

These layout improvements make it easier to manage patterns and template parts by combining them into one place.

Improved data views in WordPress 6.6

You can access management views with fewer clicks, and WordPress includes many small improvements for a better experience.

It also makes it easier to perform bulk actions when viewing data items in the full site editor.

Consistent Editing Flow in Site and Block Editor

WordPress’s two main editing areas (the block editor, where you write posts and pages, and the site editor) have felt different, even though they are both the same editor.

WordPress 6.6 brings them closer by offering a more consistent editing experience whether you are writing a blog post or editing your site.

Block editor in WordPress 6.6

The post options may look slightly different, plus users can click on the post title at the top to access the command palette.

Overrides in Synced Patterns

One exciting feature in WordPress 6.6 is the ability to override synced patterns.

Previously, synced patterns were applied across your site, and editing them made those changes to all places you have used them.

With overrides, you can use a design pattern across multiple pages and change the content without altering the overall design.

For example, if you have a pattern with a heading, image, and text, you can update the text and image on different pages while keeping the design consistent.

Edit your pattern and go to the block you want to be editable. Then, under the block settings, click to expand the Advanced tab and then click the ‘Enable overrides’ button.

Enable synced pattern overrides

This will bring up a popup where you can give the override a name.

For instance, if you want to make the button text editable, you can call your override ‘Button label.’

give override a name

Click ‘Enable’, and then save your pattern.

Now, you can edit a particular area of an individual block within your synced pattern, and your changes will not affect all instances of that pattern.

Override synced pattern content

Pattern Management in Classic Themes

WordPress 6.6 will also make it easier for users with classic themes to manage patterns on their site.

Classic themes managing patterns

Users will be able to launch the updated UI by visiting the Appearance » Patterns page.

This will open the updated pattern data views, providing users with an easier interface to manage all patterns and edit them.

Patterns screen in classic theme

Mix and Match Style Variations

If your block theme includes style variations, WordPress 6.6 will greatly expand your design options without needing extra setup.

The theme can now pull color palettes and typography styles from its variations.

Mix style variations

These palettes enable you to easily mix and match for more creative possibilities.

This means you can achieve a wide range of designs right out of the box, effortlessly enhancing your site’s look and feel.

Apply variations to section

Theme developers can now also introduce section styles that will allow users to choose a style for a whole section that is different from the global style in their theme settings.

Creating Grid Layouts

WordPress allows you to easily create grid layouts using different layout blocks, such as the Group, Column, and Table blocks.

However, they don’t provide much granular control over the layout, and sometimes things break when viewed on mobile.

WordPress 6.6 will ship with the new Grid block. It allows you to display any blocks you want in a grid layout.

New grid block in WordPress 6.6

Each block in the grid layout becomes a grid item. You can adjust the minimum column width and apply styling options to the overall grid block and individual blocks inside.

You can also set the grid layout type to ‘Manual’ and then drag the grid items to span them across columns.

Manually adjust grid items

Keyboard Shortcut to Group Selected Blocks

WordPress keyboard shortcuts allow you to work faster when writing posts or working on your site.

In WordPress 6.6, you can easily group multiple blocks. Just select the blocks you want to group and press CTRL + G on Windows or Command + G on MacOS.

Group blocks together

Rollback an Auto-Update

Many site owners fear that an auto-update could break their site. Instead of turning on auto-updates for plugins, they prefer to update them manually.

WordPress 6.6 will address this by introducing automatic rollback. Basically, if an automatic update to a plugin breaks your website, then WordPress will roll it back to the previous version automatically.

Set Negative Margins

With WordPress 6.6, users will also be able to set negative margins. This hidden feature is only available when you click on the margins and manually enter a negative value.

Negative margins support

Miscellaneous Under-The-Hood Changes

WordPress 6.6 release will be packed with changes targeted at developers or behind-the-scenes improvements. Let’s look at some of them:

  • Theme developers can now set default font sizes in theme.json (#58409)
  • Individual post types can now opt out of the autosaving feature (#41172)
  • Improved lazy loading for oEmbeds (#58773)

Overall, WordPress 6.6 will bring 97 enhancements and 101 fixes for the editor. In total, there are about 206 updates for the Core.

We hope this article helped you discover what’s new in WordPress 6.6 and which new features to try out. We are particularly excited about the updates to data views as it gives a glimpse into what the future WordPress admin area may look like.

While trying out WordPress 6.6 beta, you may also want to check out our WordPress troubleshooting guide or take a look at our article on how to properly update WordPress.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post What’s Coming in WordPress 6.6 (Features and Screenshots) first appeared on WPBeginner.

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Introducing the Reimagined WP Charitable: Fundraising Has Got Easier Than Ever Wed, 01 May 2024 10:00:00 +0000 Have you ever wondered if there was an easy way to collect donations for non-profits and fundraisers? While there are several donation platforms on the market, most of them charge a heavy transaction / platform fee or come with limited functionalities, restricting your fundraising abilities.… Read More »

The post Introducing the Reimagined WP Charitable: Fundraising Has Got Easier Than Ever first appeared on WPBeginner.

Have you ever wondered if there was an easy way to collect donations for non-profits and fundraisers?

While there are several donation platforms on the market, most of them charge a heavy transaction / platform fee or come with limited functionalities, restricting your fundraising abilities.

Today, I am excited to announce that we’ve completely revamped WP Charitable from the ground up. Now, it’s easier than ever to launch a fundraising campaign, even if you’re absolutely new to WordPress.

wp charitable revamped

About WP Charitable

WP Charitable is the best WordPress donation plugin for non-profits. Over the last 9 years, Charitable has been helping over 10,000+ non-profits raise funds for their cause without having to pay an additional transaction fee.

I acquired the plugin in 2022 with the goal to make it easy for anyone to volunteer with fundraising and help their favorite non-profit organizations on the technical side. But most importantly, I wanted a solution that I can have my wife use for our Balkhi Foundation without needing any technical help from me.

With the newest update to Charitable, we’ve completely reimagined how Charitable works, so you can raise more funds for your cause with less effort.

Let’s take a look at them below:

Create Stunning Fundraising Campaigns Without a Designer

Looking to build a professional fundraising campaign that encourages donors to support your cause?

Charitable’s drag-and-drop campaign builder makes it easy to build a fundraising campaign even if you’re not tech savvy.

WPCharitable choose campaign layout and template

Unlike a typical donation form plugin, Charitable offers 3 different column layouts from which to choose.

  • Simple 1 column template
  • Simple 2 column template
  • Simple 2 column with header template
3 column template

These column layouts help you build a stunning fundraising campaign on your own without having to hire a designer or developer.

Take a look at a few customizable fields you can add to your campaign.

WPCharitable campaign designer
  • Campaign title
  • Campaign description
  • Customizable Donate Button
  • Progress bar: Show how much has been donated and your campaign goals
  • HTML: Add an area of customizable HTML
  • Social sharing: Add social sharing links right on your campaign page
  • Social links: Add links to your social media accounts

The best part is that you can build a campaign like this in less than 5 minutes!

fundraiser example cancer research

If you’ve always wanted to build campaigns to collect donations for your cause, then look no further than Charitable.

Get Insights Into Your Campaigns at a Glance

It’s important to know how each of your fundraising campaigns is doing and which campaign contributes the most.

With the latest version of Charitable, you’ll get an improved admin dashboard that gives you a bird’s eye view of how your campaigns are performing at a glance.

charitable dashboard

Here are a few items you can see from the dashboard.

Quick top overview – At a glance, see how much money your donations have brought in, the average donation amount, the number of donors, and the amount of refunds within a time frame.

Interactive graph – With an easy-to-view timeline, you can see how many donations you got represented.

Recent donations – View recent donations and a brief summary of each one.

Top campaigns – See which campaigns are outperforming in terms of total donations, total donors, and more.

Detailed Reports That Matter to Your Organization

I believe that your campaign data is only as good as the actionable insights you can get from it.

This is why we added several detailed reports that matter to your organization.

Donations breakdown report

Donations breakdown – It gives you a better idea of how your campaigns are doing overall on a daily basis, with the ability to download the data into a CSV file.

Campaign activity – This report gives you a heads-up in chronological order of what is happening on your site right now. It lets you quickly see if a particular campaign is suddenly receiving donations or is getting popular so you can act accordingly.

Top donors – Understand who your top donors so you can reach out to them to thank them or further communicate.

Payment methods – Get an idea of your most popular payment methods, including manual or offline donations.

Pay $0 Transaction Fee

The harsh reality of most online donation platforms is that they charge transaction fees, also known as platform fees. This fee can be typically as high as 4% of the total donation amount.

Keep in mind that transaction fees are charged on top of the processing fees, which are usually charged by payment processors like Stripe or PayPal (around 3%).

Charitable doesn’t charge transaction fees with any of its premium plans. The only fee you’ll be paying is the processing fee, which is paid directly to the payment gateway you choose, such as Stripe.

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising or Crowdfunding

Peer-to-peer fundraising is a popular strategy for large fundraising campaigns where passionate individuals organize their personal fundraising campaigns on behalf of a nonprofit organization.

With the Charitable Ambassadors addon, you can instantly transform your website into a peer-to-peer fundraising or your own crowdfunding platform, like GoFundMe or Indiegogo. It also lets you offer your most passionate advocates the tools they need to support your cause.

peer-to-peer fundraising

For example, you can let your advocates create fundraising pages of their own and even require users to have an account and be logged in before they can submit a campaign.

If you enable the Personal cause campaigns option, you can turn your site into a crowdfunding site and let individuals raise money for their own cause.

ambassador settings

Recurring Donations Is Easier Than Ever

Accepting recurring donations allows you to maintain a reliable and predictable donation stream.

With Charitable, you can easily add the option of recurring donations to online forms with suggested amounts.

When recurring donations is enabled, your donors get the flexibility to donate smaller amounts, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually instead of sending a large one-time donation. They also have the flexibility to cancel as needed right inside their account.

Connect Donors With Your Email List

Charitable lets you easily add a newsletter checkbox to your campaign. When it’s enabled, you can automatically add your donors to your email list and turn them into ongoing supporters. 

Currently, the plugin seamlessly integrates with email marketing software like MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, MailerLite, ActiveCampaign, Mailster and MailPoet.

Charitable integrations

Easily Add Campaigns Anywhere in WordPress

Charitable makes it easy to add your campaigns across your WordPress website.

It comes with the Charitable block.

Simply edit any post or page in WordPress and add the Charitable block where you want to display your campaign. Done!

Charitable campaign block

Now, you can save or publish your changes and preview the post or page. You will see your campaign added to the page.

If you have multiple campaigns, you may want to display them as a collection within your posts or pages.

show multiple campaigns

Multiple Payment Options

Need multiple payment options to accept donations?

Charitable got you covered there as well. It supports all the top payment service providers including Stripe, PayPal,, Square, Braintree, and more.

Payment integrations in Chariable

Even the free version of Charitable comes with both Stripe and PayPal.

This makes it easier for free version users to accept donations via credit card.

WPCharitable default payment options

More Features That Make Charitable Standout

There are several more features that make Charitable standout from its competitors. Here are some of them.

Gift Aid for UK Based Non-Profit

If you are a registered UK charity or non-profit, you can boost your donations by 25% with Gift Aid, a tax incentive for charities in the United Kingdom. When Gift Aid is enabled on your Charity plugin, the Gift Aid declaration will be added to all your campaigns.

gift aid customizer

Seamless Easy Digital Downloads Integration

Charitable seamlessly integrates with Easy Digital Downloads. This allows you to accept donations with any of the Easy Digital Downloads gateways.

On top of that, you can sell digital merchandise to raise fund for your organization.

Accept Anonymous Donations

Allow donors to support your cause without having their name publicly displayed. As the website administrator, you can view anonymous donor’s details, but their name and photo will be hidden when displayed in the Donors widget.

Cover the Processing Fees

Bump up your donations by giving your donors the option to cover the processing fees on their donations.

Try Charitable Today

I am quite excited about the progress we have made so far with Charitable.

I’m also extremely pleased with the community response so far, as everyone is loving the new features.

I invite you to try Charitable. If you want, you can even install the free Charitable plugin from that offers basic fundraising features.

We’re truly building something special here. If you have ideas on how we can make the plugin more helpful to you, suggest your ideas here.

As always, I am thankful for your continued support and look forward to hearing from you.

Yours Truly,

Syed Balkhi
Founder of WPBeginner

The post Introducing the Reimagined WP Charitable: Fundraising Has Got Easier Than Ever first appeared on WPBeginner.

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