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How to Switch From Blogger to WordPress Without Losing Google Rankings

Editorial Note: We earn a commission from partner links on WPBeginner. Commissions do not affect our editors' opinions or evaluations. Learn more about Editorial Process.

Do you want to migrate your blog from Blogger to WordPress?

While Blogger is a neat free tool to start blogging, many beginners soon realize its limitations, and they want to switch to WordPress to get access to more powerful features.

In this article, we will show you how to properly switch from Blogger to WordPress without losing Google rankings.

Switching from Blogger to WordPress

Why Move From Blogger to WordPress?

Blogger is a popular blogging platform created by Google. It allows anyone to create a free blog using their Google account.

However, many beginners soon realize that there are a lot of limitations on what they can do with their free Blogger blog.

WordPress, on the other hand, gives you complete ownership of your website. It also allows you to add the necessary features to grow your blog and monetize your content. Plus, you can perform all the SEO optimizations to rank higher. We have created a detailed side-by-side comparison of WordPress vs. Blogger.

It’s important to note that when we say WordPress, we are talking about self-hosted, which should NOT be confused with, which is a hosted solution that has its own limitations. For details, see our article on the difference between vs. is the popular “WordPress” platform that you have likely heard about because it powers 43% of all websites on the internet.

That being said, let’s take a look at how to properly move from Blogger to WordPress while preserving your Google search rankings and website traffic.

Here are the steps that we will use to transfer from Blogger to WordPress:

Ready? Let’s get started.

Video Tutorial

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If you don’t want to watch the video tutorial, then you can continue reading the text version below.

Step 1: Sign up for WordPress Hosting

To get started with WordPress, you will need a domain name and web hosting.

For a quick reminder, a domain name is your website’s address that people type to get to your blog, and web hosting is where your website files are stored. Both of these are a MUST-HAVE to create any type of blog or website.

With that said, we recommend using Bluehost. They are one of the largest hosting companies in the world, and they are an officially recommended WordPress hosting partner.

Because WPBeginner is the largest WordPress resource site, they have agreed to offer our readers a free domain name and a 60% discount on hosting. Basically, you can get started for just $2.75 per month.

If, for some reason, you would prefer to go with a Bluehost alternative, then we recommend using either SiteGround or Hostinger because both are excellent solutions.

Once you have signed up for WordPress hosting plan and set up your domain name, you can go ahead to WordPress installation step.

If you signed up with Bluehost using our link above, then WordPress will be automatically installed for you.

If you used a different WordPress hosting provider, then you need to install WordPress by following our ultimate guide on how to install WordPress.

After you have installed WordPress, it is time to move your content from Blogger to WordPress.

Bonus Free Offer: Since a lot of you asked for this, we are now offering a free Blogger to WordPress migration service as part of our free WordPress blog setup service. This means one of our expert team members will do the entire migration for you (100% free). Yes, you can literally switch from Blogger to WordPress without any risk.

Note: Our free blogger migration service is for smaller blogs that have less than 1000 blog posts. We can offer a migration service for larger blogger sites, but that will be a paid service.

However, if you are someone who likes learning and doing things yourself, then you can follow our step-by-step tutorial below.

Step 1: Export Your Blogger Blog

The first thing you need to do is export your Blogger blog’s content.

You can do this by visiting the Blogger website and logging into your account dashboard.

After that, go to the Settings page. Scroll down to the ‘Manage Blog’ section, and click the ‘Back up Content’ button.

Backup Blogger content

This will bring up a popup showing what exactly is included in the Blogger backup.

You need to click on the ‘Download’ button to continue.

Download blogger backup

Your Blogger blog’s content will be downloaded to your computer in an XML file.

Once the download is complete, it is time to import your Blogger content into your WordPress site.

Step 2: Import Blogger to WordPress

To start importing your Blogger site into WordPress, log in to your WordPress admin area and visit Tools » Import.

On the Import page, go ahead and click on the ‘Install Now’ link below Blogger.

Install Blogger importer for WordPress

WordPress will now download and install the Blogger Importer plugin for you.

Once it has finished installing, you need to click on the ‘Run Importer’ link to continue.

Run Blogger importer

WordPress will ask you to upload the XML file on the Import Blogger screen. This is the file that you downloaded in Step 1.

Simply click the ‘Choose File’ button and upload the XML file you downloaded earlier.

Next, click on the ‘Upload file and import’ button to continue.

Upload the file to import

WordPress will now upload the import file. If your import file is too large, then you may see an error message.

In this case, you will need to increase your maximum file upload limit. If your file is small, then you won’t see any errors.

Next, you will be asked to assign posts to an author. If you have multiple authors on your Blogger blog, then you can create a new user account for each author. You can also assign these posts to existing authors on your WordPress website.

Assign authors

After making your selection, click on the ‘Submit’ button to continue.

WordPress will import all content from the Blogger export file to your WordPress site. You can view the content by visiting the Posts » All Posts page.

Imported content on your WordPress blog

Permalinks is the term used for the URL structure of individual pages. WordPress comes with a feature that allows you to set up an SEO-friendly URL structure.

Since you are importing content from Blogger, you need your URL structure to be as close to your old Blogger site’s URL structure as possible.

To set permalinks, you need to go to Settings » Permalinks in your WordPress dashboard and choose the ‘Custom Structure’ option.

After that, you need to add the following text in the box next to the custom structure field:

Setting up permalinks

This permalink structure makes your blog post URLs similar to the URLs on your old Blogger blog.

However, sometimes your blog post URL, also known as a slug in WordPress, will not match the slugs used by Blogger.

To fix this, you will need to create and run a little code snippet.

We recommend adding this PHP code using the WPCode plugin. It is the safest way to add custom code to your WordPress website. For more details, please see our guide on how to copy and paste code snippets in WordPress.

add_action( 'init', 'wpb_update_slug' );

function wpb_update_slug() {
global $wpdb;
$result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT post_id, meta_value FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = 'blogger_permalink' ");
foreach ($result as $row){
$slug = explode("/",$row->meta_value);
$slug = explode(".",$slug[3]);
$wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET post_name ='$slug[0]' WHERE ID = '$row->post_id' ");
echo "DONE";


After saving the code, you just need to visit any page on your WordPress site to trigger this script.

Important: After the script has run, don’t forget to disable or delete it from your WPCode library because it only needs to run once.

Bonus Free Offer: Don’t want to deal with code? We have got you covered. Since many of you asked for this, we are now offering a free Blogger to WordPress migration service as part of our free WordPress blog setup service.

This means one of our expert team members will do the entire migration for you (100% free). Yes, you can literally switch from Blogger to WordPress without any risk.

Step 4: Set Up Redirects From Blogger to WordPress

The most important step in moving any website is to set up proper redirection so that you don’t lose any existing traffic or SEO rankings. You can see our ultimate WordPress SEO migration checklist for more details.

Note: If your Blogger blog has its own custom domain instead of, you may need to point your domain nameservers to your hosting provider. For instructions, please follow our tutorial on how to switch custom domain blogger blog to WordPress.

The crucial part of the redirection is to ensure that your users land on the same page on the new domain they were trying to access on the old site.

At the same time, you also need to ensure that search engines understand that your website is moved to this new location.

You need to install and activate the Blogger to WordPress Redirection plugin to do that. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to visit the Tools » Blogger to WordPress Redirection page and click on the ‘Start Configuration’ button.

Get the redirection code

The plugin will now detect the URL of your Blogger blog and show you the option to get a redirection code. Go ahead and click on the ‘Get Code’ button next to your Blogger URL.

It will now generate a code snippet that you need to properly redirect users from your old Blogger blog to your new WordPress site.

Next, you need to log in to your Blogger dashboard and go to the ‘Themes’ page. Click on the dropdown arrow on the ‘Customize’ button next to your theme, and then select the ‘Edit HTML’ option.

Edit blogger theme code

Blogger will now display the custom HTML code for your theme template. If you made any customizations to your Blogger theme, then you may want to copy the code and save it on your computer as a backup.

Otherwise, you can just go ahead and delete everything. After that, copy the code displayed by the plugin on your WordPress site and paste it into your Blogger theme editor.

Blogger theme editor

Don’t forget to click on the ‘Save theme’ button to store your changes.

Next, we need to set up redirects for mobile users.

You need to go back to the Themes page in your Blogger blog’s dashboard. This time you need to click on the gear button below the mobile preview of your blog.

Change mobile theme settings

This will bring up a popup where you need to select the ‘No. Show desktop theme on mobile devices’ option.

Then, click on the ‘Save’ button.

Disable mobile theme

That’s all, your Blogger blog will now redirect all your blog visitors to your new WordPress blog.

Alternatively, you can also use All in One SEO (AIOSEO) to redirect posts and pages from Blogger to WordPress. The plugin offers a powerful redirection manager feature that lets you set up full site redirects to your new site.

Plus, you can enable 404 error tracking and catch any broken links that may occur when moving your site to WordPress. This will help improve the user experience, and you won’t lose keyword rankings.

Step 5: Moving Other Content From Blogger to WordPress

In this step, we will move the remaining content from the old blog on Blogger to your new WordPress blog. This may require some manual work, depending on the settings/content of your blog.

1. Moving Pages From Blogger to WordPress

WordPress’s Blogger importer tool only imports Blogger posts and ignores pages.

To move your pages into WordPress, you will have to edit each page in your Blogger blog, copy its contents, and then manually create a page in WordPress.

To learn more about pages, see our article on the difference between posts vs. pages in WordPress.

Now, you will come across another issue. The Blogger pages have URLs that look like this:

Your WordPress page URL will look like this:

To fix this, you will need to use the All in One SEO (AIOSEO) plugin. For instructions, please see our beginner’s guide on creating redirects in WordPress.

2. Widgets

Like Blogger, some WordPress themes also utilize widgets to add content to your blog’s sidebar.

To add widgets, you need to visit the Appearance » Widgets page in your WordPress dashboard and simply drag/drop widgets into the sidebars. For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to add and use widgets in WordPress.

If you are looking for a specific widget you don’t see in WordPress by default, then you likely need a WordPress plugin. You can search WPBeginner’s best WordPress plugin category to find the functionality you want.

3. RSS Feeds

Search engines and users who subscribe to your blog posts via RSS feeds will still be able to find your blog. However, they will not get any new content.

To fix this, visit the Settings page under your Blogger account. Next, scroll down to the ‘Site feed’ section and click on ‘Post feed redirect URL’.

Redirect Blogger RSS feed

This will bring up a popup where you need to add the RSS feed URL of your WordPress website.

Your WordPress feed URL will look like this:

Don’t forget to replace with your own domain name.

Add feed URL

Click on the ‘Save’ button to add the URL and save your settings.

Step 6. Things to Do After Migrating From Blogger to WordPress

Now that you have successfully moved your Blogger blog to WordPress, let’s take a look at what else you can do to improve your blog.

We have created a checklist of the most important things you need to do after installing WordPress.

WordPress is quite easy to use. However, you’ll occasionally discover new things that you may need help with. This is where WPBeginner comes in.

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We hope this article helped you switch from Blogger to WordPress without affecting your Google search rankings. You may also want to see our ultimate step-by-step WordPress SEO guide for beginners and our expert picks for the best WordPress plugins to help grow your blog.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
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  2. Ger says


    Really nice tutorial! Plus I’m already subscribed to your newsletter!

    I did a migration in local just to test how my blog would look like and what issues I will face on the migration. One that I encountered is that all my internal links written on the posts are broken. My links on Blogger look like: and the WP look like this:

    Do you know how I can prevent this behaviour or fix the issue after the migration?

    Thank you very much!

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would want to use the permalink step in this article to fix your permalink issues.


      • Ger says

        Thanks for the quick answer!

        I think you didn’t understand my question, probably because of my poor explanation.

        I already used the permalink and it is working fine for changing the urls of the posts, BUT in this case I mean the internal links written inside the post content are linking to the wrong urls.

        I already managed to fix it. Before running the blogger importer plugin you must adapt the permalinks to Blogger structure, not afterwards. This way al the internal links written on the post’s content will be correct.


  3. Peter Iriogbe says

    Thanks for the post. I want to ask; after the migration, will my blog content need to be indexed again by search engines or everything will still be intact with search engines?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      The redirects will keep the pages indexed so everything will still be intact from their point of view.



    I did the whole process some years ago and it worked. I recently noticed my traffic on wordpress doping and checked to notice that blogger posts now only redirect to my wordpress homepage. I ran the Blogger to WordPress Redirect Plugin Start Configuration again, which gave me a code snipet to paste on my blogger theme HTML. Sadly this time, the blogger blog theme refused to save the code snipet and the entire redirection no longer works. Please what do I do to restore the entire redirect setup…?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      If it is not saving on Blogger then you would need to check with Blogger’s support to have it save properly.


      • Yasir Siddiqui says

        I had face same issue but did resolve smoothly.

        You need to switch by default theme then paste this code. it will work fine.

  5. shivraj says

    I have a blog on

    My blogger domain is similar to
    I want to move this domain to WordPress hosting. I also want all of the existing URL redirections to WordPress to use the same domain URLs. I am not using the URL of the blogspot domain. Can you help me ?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      If we understand what you are wanting correctly then our article above does show how to do what you are wanting.


  6. Rambabu says

    Thank you for your detailed material. I received great support from this blog for the second time.

  7. Noah oliver says

    Hey I completely migrated my blogger site to WordPress but I have posts and pages which is indexed in Google I will create a redirection manually all things work perfectly but my homepage is still open in Blogger please help me

    • WPBeginner Support says

      If we’re understanding the issue correctly, you would want to ensure your domain name is pointing toward your hosting to ensure that your site is redirecting to your new WordPress site.


  8. Ashikur Rahman says

    in blogger i have always used my custom domain. so i Don’t have to worry about blogger redirection.
    but my question is how can i make sure that my posts redirect to new wp permalink? cause blogger have /year/month/permalink.html while i wants to use /post-name permalink structure.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      The redirection steps from our guide should cover setting up those redirects :)


  9. Lem Enrile says

    Thank you so much, WPBeginner, for this detailed tutorial.

    I’ve been searching and experimenting for half a day on how to redirect my free Blogger website into a recently purchased domain (with WordPress as platform).

    I’ve watched and read countless blogs and Youtube tutorials. But none explained how to redirect “each” Blogger post to its equivalent new domain URL. I’m glad I found this.

    The only problem I encountered is that the generated code from your plugin doesn’t seem to work with Blogger websites that have “customized” themes.

    Even if I deleted all the existing code to paste your plugin’s generated code, it said, “Update Failed.”

    I thought that my Blogger website’s “customized theme” prevented me from “saving” the generated code.

    So I changed my Blogger theme to one of Blogger’s “default” theme templates, specifically the Dynamic Classic Theme.

    I then pasted the generated code from your plugin, then it worked!

  10. Mayank Parmar says

    Hi, wpbeginner support
    I’m facing the redirection issue. I followed the all above steps even the step 4 but when i open old urls they won’t redirect. And shows ‘your connection is not private’.
    Please provide me solution.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      There is normally more to that error message but you would want to ensure your site is using HTTPS for the most common reason.


  11. Jim Tolles says

    Hi! Thanks for the useful content, although I have some questions. I’m not understanding why you would put any code on the old blogger site, which I will take down once the migration is complete. Shouldn’t the live site on WordPress be doing all the redirection?

    Additionally, this post needs to be updated as some of the Blogger regions that are mentioned are no longer in the Blogger console.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      It is mainly for if users have links to the version of your site with Blogger’s URL instead of your custom domain as you are not allowed to transfer a subdomain to a new host.

      We’ll be sure to update our Blogger section the next time we update our article :)


      • Jim Tolles says

        Gotcha. Yes. I have a custom domain. I’m trying to figure out how to make sure to get everything pointed in the right direction.

        • WPBeginner Support says

          Understood, then this will ensure if anyone visits your Blogger site it will be redirected to the new site with the correct URL :)

  12. P Mohapatra says

    I was earlier using blogger and now I have sifted to wordpress. But the faviocon of blogger is still showing in search console. How to solve this.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would want to either ask the search engine to recrawl your site, or you would need to wait for the search engine to clear its cache and update your favicon.


  13. Amit Singh says

    This was very helpful, I have successfully redirect my blogger links to wordpress. But when I was using blogger, I used to create custom permalink in it and then after changing from blogger to wordpress, the whole link changed. And also many pages of the new website got indexed in Google. Means, both blogger and new websites links are indexed on Google with same contents. This create many issues like content duplicate and page duplicate. How to solve them.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would want to be sure you follow our steps to set up redirects and that would point your old content to the new content which will prevent your duplicate content issues.


  14. Emily Cowe says

    Hey! This was a great tutorial, but I have 1 question – is it required to change the permalink structure on WordPress to redirect the links? I am migrating from Blogger to an existing WordPress site with existing articles, so I don’t really want to change the current permalink structure if I don’t have to. Thanks

  15. Sunny says

    I migrated my website 2 years ago. Can I deactivate the plugins (Blogger to wp and All in one wp migration) now?

  16. Isack Godlaison says

    I have done everything as you guide and able to move my site to wordpress successful. The only issue i face is the post redirections works perfect on desktop but doesn’t work on mobile, can you help me fix this? Thanks

  17. Chandu says

    I’ve almost 1300 posts in by Blogger blog and when I try to import all my posts to my WordPress site by following all the given instructions, Happens nothing. not a single post getting imported. Can any one suggest me a solution.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would first want to check in your media library to see if the images are being imported and if they are you would want to run the import again as it is likely timing out and when you run the import again it should skip what has already been imported.


  18. Kishan sarvaiya says

    Thank you very much for this detailed and doubt solving guide.
    Now i habe just 3 questions.

    1. Can i delete the “blogger importer” pkugin after importing content?

    2. Can i delete “blogger to wordpress” plugin after pasting the code in blogger provided by this plugin.

    3. After migrating to wordpress, should we delete the blogger blog from blogger. Com? (i jave custom domain on blogger).

    Thank you very very much…

    • WPBeginner Support says

      The plugin is to help with redirects from the blogspot URL, if you disable the plugin then those redirects can break. Your other redirects should be fine with how the plugin is currently set up.


  19. dema says

    Great Post, well done BUT
    I have problem. Tried your script but when I go to an old posting I just get redirected to my first page, not to the post.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would want to ensure you followed all steps under ‘step 4 Setup Redirects from Blogger to WordPress’ for your redirects to work properly.


  20. Hope Linus says

    Please i moved from blogger to wordpress but the links are shared while i was on blogger are not opening, they are showing error 404.

    Please what will i do

  21. Aman Pathak says

    Hey Editorial Staff
    In this post you told to change WordPress permalink structure to near blogger permalink structure.
    But it doesn’t require for seo because blogger to WordPress redirect plugin will redirect old post url(permalink) to new post url(any permalink structure)
    I have also tried this and i want that you guys should update this post

  22. Favour says

    Please when migrating to WordPress, will the blogger theme also be moved. Or I will have to get a new WordPress theme?

  23. Tanaaz says

    Hi! I’ve already migrated from Blogger to WordPress thanks to your tutorial. But I’m planning to apply for Adsense, so if I delete or unpublish my old blogger blog, does that mean all the redirects will stop and whatever content has been imported will also be deleted? Even though it was uploaded externally.

    Just wondering, would be great if you could help me out with this! Thank you!

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would want to check with the plugin’s support for questions like this. You shouldn’t lose content on the site but there may be trouble with redirects.


  24. Fabian George says

    Thanks for this article. My blog is hosted by blogger and a custom domain pointing at it from Goddady for almost 2yrs and two months. Is it possible to use same domain name or I should fresh one from bluehost?
    Please I need help to on this urgent

  25. Emily Sego says

    Can I delete the Blogger importer plugin from my WordPress website? The plugin hasn’t been updated in 4 years, and I’m wondering if it’s interfering with the functionality of my other plugins…..

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You only need to have the importer during the import of files. After that, you can remove the plugin. The plugin should not be affecting your site as it should only run during the import process.


  26. Rehbar ansari says

    If I will take my website from Blogger to WordPress, then I have to add it back to Google Search Console.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would want to re-add your meta tag for search console to your site to ensure it stays verified.


  27. Siddiq says

    Hi. Followed all these steps and successfully migrated to wordpress from blogger but there is an issue of 404 error.

    If I clicked on some of my page from google search results or elsewhere it results to 404 error.

    Please what can I do to solve this. Thank you

  28. Oluwafemi says

    I have few post on my blogspot (I started 6 months ago) and I intends migrating to WordPress, Should I just open a WordPress acct and copy and paste my articles into it. Or should I follow up with the process you put up there?.

  29. naveen says

    I’ve tried to upload my XML file several times and it never works. I’m always sent to a screen that says ‘Import Blogger’ with a submit button and submit button only..No import author or any other messages., and then

    ‘All done. Have fun!

    Remember to update the passwords and roles of imported users.’

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You may want to try downloading the file again in case it is an error with the original file you’ve downloaded.


  30. Payal Rathore says

    hey! thankyou for sharing this. I have successfully migrated my blog but what after that how to link google search console to my new domain.

  31. Kamaljeet Kaur says

    I successfully migrated from blogger to WordPress. everything is working fine, But for some posts, the comment section is not visible( display comment option is already enabled) but in other posts comment section is visible. I already did lots of research on it but nothing is working.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would want to ensure on those specific posts that you haven’t disabled comments.


  32. Elochi says

    Thank you so much for this wonderful article, it was very helpful and I have successfully moved my blog to WordPress.

    Thanks for all the information you provided here.

    Do have a nice day buddy.

  33. Karen Ann says

    Hi, Thank you so much for all this helpful information. I have a simple question.

    So if you don’t have any Google standing yet nor any subscribers would you then just copy and paste all of your blog posts over and skip the other part or is it best to complete the whole procedure as described? Also, when I was watching the video I didn’t see any point where the person chose their theme. Don’t you need to do that before you transfer posts over? Thank you!

    • WPBeginner Support says

      If you are not worried about your site or your current ranking then you certainly can copy your content over if you wanted rather than following our guide.

      There is a default theme installed that you can change, you don’t need to select your theme before transferring but it can be helpful.


  34. Rakesh Verma says

    Thank for this great information. I have successfully migrated my blog from blogger to WordPress.

  35. Kamaljeet Kaur says

    Hii, I successfully migrated from blogger to WordPress. I have 117 posts that i imported into WordPress. I m getting error 404 on all post. Please help me how can i resolve this issue.

  36. Kamaljeet Kaur says

    I am using custom domain on blogger. Do i have to firstly redirct back to for migration. And Do i have to register again for google analytics and search console..

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You do not need to point your site back to the blogspot URL, you would want to move the required codes over but you do not need to register again.


  37. Nicole says

    I am successfully transfered to WordPress from Blogger thanks to your instructions! I do have a question though – do I tell Google to no longer track my old blog posts over at all Blogger (via their privacy settings)? (That way that the old blogger blog doesn’t come up in the search engine?)

  38. venkat says

    This is what I’ve been met with when trying to import my Blogger blog …

    – tools > import > Blogger Run Importer > Choose File > Upload file and import
    – it loads at the bottom of my screen by % then once it’s complete all it displays is a button that says “Submit”. No other text.
    – then all it says is “All done. Have fun! Remember to update the passwords and roles of imported users.” and nothing has changed. I can’t find my blog posts anywhere.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You may want to try recreating the backup file to ensure there weren’t any issues with the creation of the file from Blogger’s end


  39. swe says

    Hi! This is an amazing one and a very good problem solver. Thanks in advance. And I have a question…if I transfer from blogger to WordPress…will I lose my total views (for eg. xxK views) from my blog that I got only from blogger?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      It would depend on where you mean. If you mean on your site’s analytics then you would keep that.


  40. Navas PT says

    Import Blogger:
    My XML file size is 48 mb, but here in my Maximum size: 32 MB to upload in wordpress? How to increase? we need to change the hosting plan ?

  41. Ahmed Parbes says

    Thanks for your post. But i am new on wp. I used blogger for a long time and i published 399 articles on it. When i want to import all blogger posts on wordpress. Its said that Sorry, there has been an error. File is empty. Please upload something more substantial.
    But i have a right file and upload it.
    Please give me a idea that how can i rid from it?

  42. revti says

    hello, thanks for the information. but tell me that do i need to buy a web hosting for wordpress …i have already buyed a domain and currently working on blogger where blogger provides free webhosting .

  43. Jen Allen says

    Once I customize my permalinks, I get this message: Remove write access on web.config file now! What do I need to do to the web.config file to prevent over write?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      That is normally a permissions error. You can try resaving your permalinks, otherwise, you would want to reach out to your hosting provider for assistance.


  44. Paul says

    Pls I would prefer to not create the same permalink structure with migration, as I don’t want dates in the url.

    Is there another way to deal with the concern regarding 404’s, since I don’t want the same urls with dates?. I need only:

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would need to manually create the redirects for each post to do what it sounds like you’re wanting.


  45. Abragam M says

    while importing the blogger content of file size 31MB, after uploading 100%, it shows an error, There has been a critical error on your website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.”

  46. Blogone says

    Is there an issue with the functions.php code. Using the WordPress editor, it won’t let me save citing issues in the code.

  47. TutorialsMate says

    I am thinking to move my blogger site on WordPress. But I have a question on my mind. Assume, I followed the entire tutorial and set up everything as given. In this way, we set our link as “”. if I set this structure on WordPress, will my future posts will follow the same structure or I can manage future post URL in this way- “” ?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      If you change the url structure to remove the date you would manually need to create redirects for all of your current posts sadly.


  48. Shivani Pahadiya says

    Thank you for this.

    Then overall can I say that it will be all okay in future if I am starting a blog on blogger and I will not face any issues further in terms of transfer everything from blogger to WordPress?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      It would depend on what you add and if Blogger changes what is possible to export sadly.


  49. RAMEEZ REZA says

    I’m a beginner in blogging platform. Till now my website have been seen yet approx 2k, and now after knowledge of some bedrock of Blogger I want to migrate my Blog into WordPress. My query is that can I loose all the 2k views data while I migrate to WordPress?
    Please help me out.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      It would depend on what you mean, you shouldn’t have to worry about your previous views and as long as you set up the redirect you shouldn’t lose visitors.


  50. Kartik Satija says

    Excellent article guys. Followed all the easy step by step instructions and was able to easily switch from Blogger to WordPress. Have also been able to setup redirects thanks to you guys. Really appreciate the detailed and well written article. More power to you guys !

    Thanks again.

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