Best WordPress Plugins - We did the Research For You Beginner's Guide for WordPress Thu, 20 Jun 2024 17:00:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Send WordPress Emails Using Amazon SES (Step by Step) Thu, 20 Jun 2024 17:00:29 +0000 Are you having trouble sending emails from your WordPress site? One easy way to improve WordPress email reliability is by using the Amazon Simple Email Service, which is also known as Amazon SES. In this article, we will show you how to send emails from… Read More »

The post How to Send WordPress Emails Using Amazon SES (Step by Step) first appeared on WPBeginner.

Are you having trouble sending emails from your WordPress site?

One easy way to improve WordPress email reliability is by using the Amazon Simple Email Service, which is also known as Amazon SES.

In this article, we will show you how to send emails from your WordPress site using Amazon SES.

How to Send WordPress Emails Using Amazon SES

Why and When You Need Amazon SES for WordPress Emails

All too often, we hear that users have trouble sending emails from their WordPress websites. That’s a problem because you rely on email to keep your website running smoothly.

For example, your site uses email to reset lost passwords or send notifications when new users register or someone fills in your contact form.

By default, WordPress uses the PHP mail function to send out emails. However, this function doesn’t always work as expected. That’s often because WordPress hosting companies block it to prevent abuse and spam.

Also, spam filters on popular email service providers check incoming emails to verify the sender. Default WordPress emails fail this check and sometimes may not even make it to the spam folder.

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is the industry standard for sending emails. Unlike the PHP mail function, SMTP uses proper authentication, which increases the chances your emails will be successfully delivered.

Amazon SES is an SMTP service designed for business email. It’s a good solution for sending WordPress notification emails to just you and your team and also sending email newsletters to large mailing lists.

The service is free for the first year. After that, you may need to pay as you go, depending on the number of emails you send and other factors. You can get an idea of what it will cost you on the Amazon SES pricing page.

Editor’s Note: We believe that Amazon SES is a bit complicated for beginners. This is why we recommend users use, SendLayer, or Brevo instead, as they work seamlessly with the WP Mail SMTP plugin.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to send emails to the Amazon SES service from your WordPress website using the WP Mail SMTP plugin.

Let’s begin! Here is a quick overview of the steps we will cover in this tutorial:

Step 1. Configure Your Amazon AWS Account

Step 2. Switch Amazon Web Services to Production Mode

Step 3. Install WP Mail SMTP on Your WordPress Website

Step 1: Configure Your Amazon AWS Account

First, you will need to sign up for a free account by visiting the Amazon Web Services website. While the account is free, you will need to enter credit card details when setting up the account.

You’ll Need to Sign Up for a Free Account with Amazon Web Services

You will need to enter contact information and other details during the setup of your AWS account.

Once you have created an AWS account, you will need to set up a User. This will provide you with access keys, which you will need later.

To do that, you need to open the Amazon Web Services Users page. Within this page, you must click the ‘Create user’ button.

Click the Create Users Button

Next, you need to set up a new user. In the User name field, you can add any name you’d like, but we recommend you use the format yourdomain_wpmailsmtp.

This will be helpful in the future if you create additional users for other websites. You’ll know at a glance which website each user is for and that the WP Mail SMTP plugin uses it.

You Need to Set Up a New User

Once you are finished, you can click the ‘Next’ button at the bottom of the screen.

You will now see the ‘Set permissions’ screen. You need to click on the third option, ‘Attach policies directly.’

You’ll Now See the 'Set Permissions' Screen

Then, you should type ‘AmazonSESFullAccess’ into the search bar to filter the list. Just one policy should be listed and make sure you click the checkbox to the left of that policy.

We don’t need to change any settings on the ‘Add tags’ page, so just click the ‘Next’ button, and you’ll be taken to the Review and Create page.

Once there, you can see all the details you have chosen for this user. If everything looks correct, then simply click on the ‘Create user’ button.

You Can See All of the Details You’ve Chosen for this User

You will now see a message that you successfully created the user.

You will need these later in the tutorial, so you should make a copy of them in a safe location or simply download the CSV file. Alternatively, just keep this browser window open so you can come back to it later.

You Will Now See a Message that You Successfully Created the User

Step 2: Switch Amazon Web Services to Production Mode

By default, your Amazon SES account will be run in Sandbox Mode. This limited mode will only allow you to send emails to verified email addresses and is designed to stop spammers from abusing the system.

If you want to send emails to anyone, then you will have to make a request to move from Sandbox Mode to Production Mode. The first step is to visit the AWS Support page to create a new case.

Start with filling in the case details. Amazon will use your answers to ensure you won’t be sending spam emails.

You should leave the limit type as ‘SES Service Limits’ and select ‘Transactional’ as the mail type. In the Website URL field, you should type in your site’s address.

Case Details

The next section is labeled ‘Describe, in detail, how you will only send to recipients who have specifically requested your mail’. Here, you should share some details about your email-sending process.

For example, you could say that you are only sending site notifications to the site administrator or sending mail only to those who have filled out a form on your site.

Case Details

Then you are asked to ‘Describe, in detail, the process you will follow when you receive bounce and complaint notifications’.

For example, you can explain that the ‘Force From Email’ setting in WP Mail SMTP will send all bounce notifications to a specified email address.

When asked whether you will comply with the AWS terms of service, you should answer ‘Yes.’

Next, you should scroll down to the Requests section. Start by selecting the same region as when you set up your AWS account. This should be the region closest to where your site’s server is located.

For the quota field, the answer is auto-selected. After that, under ‘New quota value’, you should type in your estimate of the maximum number of emails you expect to send in a day.

Select ‘Desired Daily Sending Quota’ From the Drop Down Menu

The last section on the page is ‘Use Case Description’. Here, you should share details of the kind of website you have and why you will be sending emails.

Make sure you include the types of emails that will be sent, such as confirmations of form submissions, purchase receipts, or newsletters. A more detailed response here may give your application a greater chance of success.

Use Case Description

Once you have completed the application, go ahead and click the ‘Submit’ button. You will get two emails from Amazon Web Services confirming that a new case has been created.

You should receive a decision from Amazon within one business day. But in the meantime, you can continue with this tutorial.

Step 3. Install WP Mail SMTP on Your WordPress Website

WP Mail SMTP is the best SMTP plugin for WordPress. You will need to buy a Pro plan or higher to use Amazon SMTP. This also gives you access to premium support and white glove setup by one of their experts.

If you’d like to have the WP Mail SMTP support team set this up for you, then you can follow their guide on how to request white glove setup for SMTP instead of following the steps below.

First, you will need to install and activate WP Mail SMTP on your website. For more details, check out our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Installing WP Mail SMTP

On activation, the WP Mail SMTP setup wizard will start automatically. You will need to click on the ‘Let’s Get Started’ button.

WP Mail SMTP setup wizard

Next, you will be shown a list of supported email services.

Here, you need to select Amazon SES and then click on the ‘Save and Continue’ button.

WP Mail SMTP Wizard Mailer

You will see a message explaining that Amazon SES is a good choice for technically advanced users. You should click the ‘I Understand, Continue’ button to dismiss the message.

After that, you will be asked to configure your mailer settings. You need to fill in the Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, and Region fields with the information you copied earlier when you created an Amazon AWS account.

Fill in the Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, and Region Fields

Now, you need to scroll down to the SES Identities section. You can choose to verify either your domain or email address.

Verifying Your Domain

The benefit of verifying by domain is that it will verify any email address that uses that domain. Verifying an email address is easier, but then you will have to verify every email address you wish to use separately.

To verify your domain name on Amazon SES, you need to make sure the ‘Verify Domain’ option is selected. After that, you should type in the domain name you used when signing up for Amazon AWS.

Verify Your Domain Name on Amazon SES

Once you have entered the domain name, you need to click the ‘Verify Domain’ button.

You will be given a name and value to add to a new TXT record in your domain’s DNS settings.

Verify Domain TXT Record

For instructions on how to create a TXT record to your site’s DNS settings, see our DNS guide.

After you have successfully verified your domain, you should return to your site’s WP Mail SMTP settings and then refresh the page. Any verified domains will now be displayed.

You can now skip the ‘Verifying Your Email’ section below and move on to ‘Setting Up the From Name and Email’.

Verifying Your Email

If you only plan on using a single email address with WP Mail SMTP, then verifying your email address is a good choice.

First, you need to click on the ‘Verify Email Address’ option, and then you should type the email address you plan to use in the field provided.

Verify Email Address

Once you have entered the email address, you need to click the ‘Verify Email’ button. You will see a notice asking you to check your email inbox for a confirmation email.

This email will be sent from Amazon Web Services and include a verification link. You must click this link within 24 hours to verify this email address.

Check Your Email Inbox for a Confirmation Email

After you have successfully verified your email, you can return to your site’s WP Mail SMTP settings and refresh the page. Any verified email addresses should be displayed.

Setting Up the From Name and Email

Now, you should scroll down to the final section of the page where you can enter the ‘From’ name and email address.

You need to type a name in the From Name field. This is the name associated with the emails you send and will be set to your site’s name by default.

You can change this to any name, such as your business name or personal name. You can also check the ‘Force From Name’ option to apply this setting site-wide.

Type the From Name and From Email

You can enter any verified email address into the From Email field. For best results, we recommend using a business email address with your site’s domain, such as

We recommend you check the box labeled ‘Force From Email’. This means you will automatically use the same outgoing email address across your WordPress site.

This option will save you the trouble of editing the email settings throughout your site and makes it less likely that your emails will go to spam.

Once you have finished entering the settings, you can click on the ‘Save and Continue’ button.

Enabling WP Mail SMTP Features

In the next step, you will be asked which email features you wish to enable. By default, a few options will be enabled. Some of these include improved email deliverability and email error tracking.

You Will Be Asked Which Email Features You Wish to Enable

If you like, you can enable detailed email logs as well. Once you have selected it, you should click the ‘Save and Continue’ button.

Now, you should enable the email logging features. You should choose to store the sent emails and attachments.

You will be asked to configure email logs

It also asks if you want to enable email tracking and other features. Once enabled, you can click on the ‘Save and Continue’ button.

Lastly, you should see a success message. Simply click ‘OK’ to acknowledge the message, and then click on the ‘Continue’ button.

You should see a success message

WP Mail SMTP will now check your mailer configuration. If everything works as expected, then you will see a screen with the message ‘Congrats, you’ve successfully set up WP Mail SMTP!’

If there is something wrong, then you will see a message that says, ‘Whoops, looks like things aren’t configured properly’. You will need to click the ‘Start Troubleshooting’ button to fix the error.

Click the Start Troubleshooting Button

Sending a Test Email

Once you have finished troubleshooting, you might like to send out another test email to make sure everything is working correctly.

You need to navigate to WP Mail SMTP » Tools and click on the ‘Email Test’ tab. By default, the test email will be sent to your site’s admin email address, but you can change this.

Next, click ‘Send Email’.

Send a Test Email

If everything has been set up correctly, then you should see a ‘Success!’ message.

It should look something like this.

Test email from WP Mail SMTP

That’s it!

We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to send WordPress emails using Amazon SES. You may also want to learn how to use an SMTP server to send WordPress emails or our expert pick of the best WordPress SMTP plugins.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Send WordPress Emails Using Amazon SES (Step by Step) first appeared on WPBeginner.

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6+ Best Product Review Plugins for WordPress (2024) Mon, 17 Jun 2024 17:00:29 +0000 Our readers often ask us if there are any WordPress product review plugins that we recommend. During our 16+ years of blogging, we’ve reviewed and written about a lot of different products that we recommend to our readers. We have also collected and displayed different… Read More »

The post 6+ Best Product Review Plugins for WordPress (2024) first appeared on WPBeginner.

Our readers often ask us if there are any WordPress product review plugins that we recommend.

During our 16+ years of blogging, we’ve reviewed and written about a lot of different products that we recommend to our readers. We have also collected and displayed different customer reviews for the plugins that we develop through our partner companies.

While we did these things completely manually in the past, plugins can speed up the process a lot. Plus, product review plugins can help you get more traffic from search engines, boost affiliate link clicks, add user-submitted reviews to your website to increase social proof, and more.

That’s why we have tested the most popular WordPress product review plugins on the market, while paying attention to features, user-friendliness, and different use cases.

In this article, we have hand-picked the best product review plugins for WordPress.

Best Product Review Plugins for WordPress

Why Use Product Review Plugins in WordPress?

What do you do when you want to buy something online? If you are like most people, then you probably check out product reviews to compare different options.

If you have an online store, then allowing your customers to submit reviews is a smart way to add social proof to your website and boost sales.

Even a niche review site where you are writing all the reviews yourself can use a product review plugin. The right plugin will help you optimize your reviews in search results so you can get more clicks and traffic.

WordPress makes it easy to add new blog posts and create important website pages, but writing review content or adding reviews to your website requires additional features offered by WordPress plugins. 

Product review plugins can help you make more sales, let users add reviews to your website, display reviews from third-party platforms, and more. 

That being said, let’s take a look at some of the best product review plugins you can use on your WordPress site. 

Why Trust WPBeginner?

At WPBeginner, our team has 16+ years of experience in blogging, affiliate marketing, and running WordPress websites. We also thoroughly test each of the plugins that we recommend on real websites.

For more details, see our editorial process.

1. WP Review Pro

WP Review Pro

WP Review Pro is the best WordPress product review plugin on the market. It gives you full control over your WordPress product reviews, makes it easy to create product comparisons, and much more. 

It includes a library of pre-designed templates you can customize to match the design of your website. There are different types of rating systems you can use, like percentage, star rating, points, and more. 

WP Review point rating example

Creating a custom review box lets you present all the important product information for your visitors, including a link to buy the product.

Review schema markup is automatically included, allowing you to show star ratings in the search results. When we tested the plugin, we realized that you can also let your users add their reviews to your products, rate features, and vote on other users’ comments. 

WP Review Pro user rating example


  • The plugin lets you display reviews from third-party sources like Facebook, Google Places, and Yelp, so you can easily add social proof to your WordPress website
  • WP Review allows you to create a pros and cons section for each product.
  • It lets you control who can review your website with its review user roles feature.
  • The plugin offers complete spam protection, import/exports reviews, and has a WooCommerce integration.


  • WP Review has a free plan, but most of the features can only be unlocked in the pro version.

Why we recommend WP Review Pro: Overall, WP Review Pro is the best product review plugin. It comes with lots of premade templates, makes it super easy to add reviews from other sources, and also offers complete spam protection.

2. All In One SEO


All in One SEO (AIOSEO) is the best SEO plugin for WordPress on the market used by over 3 million websites. It lets you easily add product review schema to your review blog posts and optimize your content to get more traffic from search engines.

Schema markup doesn’t appear on your website for visitors to see, but it helps search engines better understand your content and display your product reviews properly.

Rich snippets will catch potential visitors’ attention and are more likely to get clicks from the search results.

Rich snippets product schema example

When you are writing your product reviews, AIOSEO will automatically detect the right type of schema based on what you are writing. 

You also have full control over the product review schema and can enter relevant product information for search engine bots to read.

AIOSEO product schema


  • With AIOSEO, you can add existing customer reviews to improve the search appearance. You will find this option below the review schema box in your post editor.
  • You can optimize your product images for SEO with the plugin.
  • It offers on-page SEO analysis, local SEO, social media integrations, and a broken link assistant.
  • When testing the plugin, we realized that AIOSEO can also act as a writing assistant and help you write better product descriptions.


  • The plugin does not offer any premade templates for product reviews and does not let you add product reviews from other sources.
  • There is a free version of the plugin available, but you’ll need the pro version to access the product review schema feature.

Why we recommend AIOSEO: If you want to optimize your product reviews for SEO, then All in One SEO is the best option. Its product review schema allows you to easily add product reviews and boost search engine rankings on your website.

For more details, you can see our complete All in One SEO review.

3. Smash Balloon Reviews Feed Pro

Smash Balloon Reviews Feed Pro

Smash Balloon Reviews Feed Pro is the best Google Reviews plugin. It also allows you to display reviews on your website from different sources like Yelp, Facebook,, Trustpilot, and TripAdvisor.

The plugin comes with an easy-to-use editor that lets you customize your product reviews feed according to your liking. You can change the feed’s layout, add different buttons, and create your own color scheme.

The Smash Balloon Review Feed Pro plugin

You can then add the product reviews feed to any page, post, or widget area on your website using Smash Balloon’s block or shortcode.


  • Reviews Feed Pro lets you create multiple product review feeds for different platforms.
  • It lets you filter reviews based on star ratings, keywords, or specific platforms.
  • You can configure the reviews feed to match your WordPress theme.
  • The plugin offers optimized images, local storage, and background caching for fast-loading review feeds. When we tested the plugin, it loaded the product review feed in no time.
  • Smash Balloon also offers other plugins that you can use to embed Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram feeds. You can also create a social wall with it.


  • The plugin’s free plan only lets you add Yelp or Google reviews. To add a feed for product reviews from other sources, you will need to upgrade to the pro plan.
  • It does not offer a feature for users to add product reviews directly on your WordPress site.

Why we recommend Smash Balloon Reviews Feed Pro: If you want to display a product reviews feed from another source like Yelp, Facebook, or Google, then Reviews Feed Pro is the ideal plugin for you.

For more information, you can see our complete Smash Balloon review.

4. WP Customer Reviews

WP Customer Reviews

WP Customer Reviews allows you to collect customer reviews and testimonials as well as create your own product reviews. 

For example, you can create a specific page on your website to showcase your testimonials and improve your social proof and conversions. 

You have full control over your review forms and the information you want to collect from your users. To display reviews, you can use shortcodes or the included block.

Plus, WP Customer Reviews allows you to configure which user roles can leave product reviews on your website.


  • You can check the reviews in your WordPress dashboard, so you have complete control over the ones that are displayed.
  • It has the option to turn any existing WordPress blog post into a product review.
  • WP Customer Reviews lets you add product review schema to improve search engine rankings.
  • The plugin allows you to add a pros and cons section for each product, add star ratings, and import/export reviews.


  • It offers limited features to filter and approve reviews based on different criteria.
  • The plugin offers basic layouts for reviews with limited customization.

Why we recommend WP Customer Reviews: The plugin is completely free and can also integrate with WooCommerce seamlessly. If you have an online store and are on a shoestring budget, then we recommend WP Customer Reviews to add product reviews to your website.

5. Site Reviews

Site Reviews plugin

Site Reviews is an easy-to-use review plugin that lets you collect customer reviews for your products, services, or a local business, similar to a site like TripAdvisor or Yelp.

You can even let users review certain parts of your website, like posts, products, pages, and more. 

It comes with a simple settings page that allows you to control how you want to gather reviews and how you want to display them on your website. You can customize the review form and display it anywhere on your site.


  • With Site Reviews, you can pin your best reviews to the top so your customers will see them first.
  • You can display your reviews using the included Gutenberg block or shortcode to show specific reviews. 


  • Site Reviews offers limited mobile responsiveness.
  • The plugin can potentially conflict with other plugins activated on your website.

Why we recommend Site Reviews: If you are looking for a free plugin to add a simple product reviews section, then you can use Site Reviews.

6. Customer Reviews for WooCommerce

Customer Reviews For WooCommerce

Customer Reviews for WooCommerce lets you easily add more detailed reviews to your store.

Your customers can attach pictures and vote on reviews, plus you can add a question and answer section so your product listings look the same as Amazon.

Overall, this plugin helps improve your social proof so that when visitors go to your product pages, they are more likely to make a purchase. 


  • It lets you send automated emails after a customer makes a purchase to help you generate more reviews. You can also send a coupon after a review is left on your product.
  • The plugin can integrate with Google Shopping, boost SEO, and support over 30 languages.
  • It allows you to approve, edit, or delete reviews, import/export reviews, and send review reminders on WhatsApp.


  • The plugin does not come with spam protection, so you may have to deal with spam, negative, or inappropriate reviews.
  • Users have had security concerns with the plugin in the past.

Why we recommend Customer Reviews for WooCommerce: This free plugin is a great option if you have a WooCommerce store due to its seamless integration and beginner-friendly interface.

Bonus Entries

7. OptinMonster


OptinMonster is the best lead generation tool for WordPress and is used by over 1.2 million websites. You can easily create high-converting popup campaigns to grow your email list and get more sales for the products you review on your website.

It comes with a library of over 400 templates you can use to quickly create spin to win optins, alert bars, yes/no optins, and many other types of popup campaigns for your website. 

You can use these popups in creative ways. For example, you might create a popup that displays a coupon for the affiliate product you are reviewing in an article. 

OptinMonster affiliate popup example

This is a common way to increase affiliate income and earn more revenue. That’s why many of the most successful WordPress blogs use this technique in their product review articles.


  • You can target different users for various product reviews based on behavior, interests, or location.
  • The tool comes with a drag-and-drop builder.
  • You can optimize your opt-in forms with A/B testing.
  • The plugin can help you capture leads and generate revenue.


  • OptinMonster does not have a free plan, but its connecting plugin is free.
  • It does not have a dedicated product or customer reviews feature.

Why we recommend OptinMonster: If you are looking for a tool that can encourage users to buy products from your product reviews, then OptinMonster is a great option. You can use it to create popups that will offer discounts or coupons to users on product review pages.

For more information, see our OptinMonster review.

8. Uncanny Automator

Uncanny Automator website

Uncanny Automator is the best WordPress automation plugin. It lets you automate the process of collecting reviews from customers after they purchase a product.

You can also use the plugin to automatically post product reviews on Facebook or other social media platforms every time a user leaves feedback on your website. This can help boost your social media following and engagement.

Plus, Uncanny Automator helps you create other automated workflows on your site without any code, making it easier to manage your website and business.


  • The plugin acts like Zapier for WordPress and can connect with 150+ WordPress plugins and tools like Twilio, Instagram, Google Sheets, and Zoom.
  • It has a free plan, is super easy to use, and provides unlimited recipes and actions.
  • It can connect your product reviews with email marketing tools or CRM software.


  • Some of its features can only be unlocked in the pro version.
  • The plugin does not offer dedicated product review features.

Why we recommend Uncanny Automator: If you want to add your product reviews on platforms other than your WordPress site, then you can use Uncanny Automator to create an automated workflow.

For more details, you may like to see our Uncanny Automator review.

9. RafflePress


RafflePress is the best WordPress giveaway plugin on the market that allows you to get more customer reviews in exchange for entries into your giveaway/competition.

You can use it like a product review plugin by asking users to leave feedback on your website for your products if they want to enter your free giveaway.

RafflePress can also integrate with Trustpilot, Capterra, and G2 if you want users to leave product reviews on those platforms instead. All you will have to do is simply add these platforms as actions in the giveaway.

Once you do that, click on the block to open its settings in the block panel, where you can make the action mandatory. Now, if users want to enter a giveaway, then they must leave a product review first.

Product review giveaways

We have also used RafflePress on our own website to get more email subscribers. For details, you can see our insider look at how WPBeginner ran a successful viral giveaway with RafflePress.


  • The plugin comes with a drag-and-drop builder, premade giveaway templates, and complete fraud protection.
  • You can also ask users to share your products on their social media handles to enter the giveaway.
  • It can help capture leads and choose real-time winners.


  • It has a free plan, but you will need the pro version to unlock the product review actions.
  • RafflePress is not a dedicated product review plugin.

Why we recommend RafflePress: If you want to host giveaways or contests to boost engagement and get product reviews at the same time, then this is the plugin for you.

For more information, see our RafflePress review.

Which Is the Best WordPress Product Reviews Plugin?

In our expert opinion, WP Review Pro is the best WordPress product review plugin on the market. It comes with plenty of premade review templates, complete spam protection, and lets you add different rating systems for reviews.

However, if you want to boost search rankings with your product reviews, then we recommend All in One SEO for WordPress due to its amazing product reviews schema.

Similarly, if you want to add product reviews from another platform like Yelp, Google, TripAdvisor, or Facebook, then Smash Balloon Reviews Feed Pro is a good choice.

Alternatively, if you want to use a free plugin, then WP Customer Reviews is also a great option.

Frequently Asked Questions About WordPress Product Review Plugins

Here are some questions that are frequently asked by our readers about product review plugins for WordPress.

Do product review plugins help with SEO?

Product review plugins can help boost SEO if they have a schema markup feature. The plugins also add new content to your site, which can further improve search engine rankings.

Additionally, reviews left by customers usually contain relevant keywords that can help with your site’s SEO. If you want to use product reviews to improve your website’s ranking, then AIOSEO is the ideal choice.

Can I use product review plugins to encourage customers to leave reviews?

Most product review plugins do not contain any specific feature that can encourage users to leave reviews.

However, you can use a plugin like OptinMonster to generate attractive popups that will offer discount offers to customers if they visit the product review pages on your website.

If you want, you can also offer free giveaways to customers if they leave product reviews on your website or external review platforms.

How can I use product reviews to gather customer feedback and insights?

Popular plugins like WP Customer Reviews allow you to create product review forms where you can add different fields to gather feedback and insights from customers.

However, we recommend using a dedicated user feedback plugin to gather customer insights instead.

For example, you can use UserFeedback to add a customer survey prompt on your website.

UserFeedback Survey Preview

You can even use WPForms to create polls and surveys to collect feedback. For details, see our tutorial on how to create post purchase surveys in WooCommerce.

Best WordPress Guides for Product Reviews

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 6+ Best Product Review Plugins for WordPress (2024) first appeared on WPBeginner.

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How to Organize or Reorder WordPress Pages with Drag & Drop Mon, 10 Jun 2024 17:00:54 +0000 Do you want to organize or reorder WordPress pages with drag and drop? By default, WordPress lists your pages in alphabetical order, both in the back-end admin and on the front-end of your website. But if you want them in a different order, then you’ll… Read More »

The post How to Organize or Reorder WordPress Pages with Drag & Drop first appeared on WPBeginner.

Do you want to organize or reorder WordPress pages with drag and drop?

By default, WordPress lists your pages in alphabetical order, both in the back-end admin and on the front-end of your website. But if you want them in a different order, then you’ll need to change it yourself.

In this article, we will show you how to organize or reorder your WordPress pages with a drag-and-drop functionality.

When You May Need to Reorder WordPress Pages

You might need to reorder your WordPress pages if you have a specific way of arranging your menu items. For example, if your blog has a ‘Start Here‘ page, then you’d probably want it as one of your first menu items and not the last ones.

This way, new visitors can easily find it, learn more about your WordPress website, and navigate it more efficiently.

The Start Here menu item in WPBeginner's menu

When you create a new page in WordPress, it will be automatically placed in alphabetical order. This is different from blog posts, which are listed based on their published date.

So, if you already have pages like About Us, Blog, and Contact Us, and you decide to add a Start Here page, then it will appear at the end of the menu.

Another reason to organize your WordPress pages is when you want to group them based on how important they are or how often you edit them. This makes it easier to find and update important pages quickly in the admin area.

If you want to change the order of pages in your WordPress site, then continue reading. We will guide you through 4 easy methods for you to try, most of which use a drag-and-drop feature.

You can use the quick links below to jump to the section you want to read:

Note: We are using for this tutorial, not Some methods here may work with, but if you use the free version, then you won’t be able to use the plugin in the first method.

You can learn more about the differences between and in our comparison chart.

Method 1: Organize WordPress Pages With Simple Page Ordering (Plugin Method)

The first method is to use Simple Page Ordering. This free plugin can activate a drag-and-drop feature that lets you rearrange your WordPress pages, and it also works with custom post types with page attributes.

We recommend this method if you are a beginner who has a lot of pages to organize.

First, you need to install and activate the WordPress plugin in the admin area. Once done, just go to Pages » All Pages. When you hover over your list of pages, your cursor should now use a 4-arrow icon, and you can reorder your WordPress pages, like so:

Reordering WordPress pages with Simple Page Reordering

Method 2: Reorder WordPress Pages by Changing the Order Page Attribute (No Plugin)

Another way to rearrange WordPress pages is by adjusting each page’s order number in the Page Attribute settings. However, we only recommend this method if you have just a few pages, as you will need to edit each page individually.

In the WordPress dashboard, go to Pages » All Pages. Then, click ‘Quick Edit.’

Clicking the Quick Edit button in the WordPress Pages page

After that, you will see ‘Order’ (above the ‘Template’ dropdown menu). By default, all pages will have ‘0’ as their order.

To prioritize the pages correctly, make sure to assign each one a unique number. For example, if you have 7 pages and want your ‘Home’ page to be first, then set its order to ‘1’. If the next priority is your ‘Start Here’ page, then give it an order of ‘2,’ and so on.

Lower numbers mean higher priority. No page should be using ‘0’ because it will make WordPress place that page first in the admin area and in your navigation menu.

Once done, just click the ‘Update’ button.

Changing the page order with quick edit in WordPress

This is what the Simple Page Ordering plugin from the first method actually does. When you rearrange your pages, the plugin automatically changes their order numbers, too.

You can also change a page’s order inside the Gutenberg block editor. In the ‘Page’ sidebar, scroll down to the ‘Page Attributes’ section.

Here, you can modify the order number and if needed, assign the page as a sub-page to a parent page. Once you have inserted a number, just click the ‘Update’ or ‘Publish’ button.

Changing a page's order in the Page Attributes settings inside the block editor

When you follow methods 1 and 2, the order of your pages should also be reflected in your navigation menu. But if that doesn’t happen, then you can try methods 3 or 4.

Method 3: Organize WordPress Menu Items With the Full Site Editor (Block Themes)

If you use a WordPress block theme, then you can also organize your WordPress pages in the menu with the Full Site Editor.

First, go to Appearance » Editor from the WordPress dashboard.

Selecting the Full-Site Editor from the WordPress admin panel

You will now see a list of menu options to choose from in the Full Site Editing sidebar.

Simply click ‘Navigation’ to organize your WordPress pages in the navigation menu.

Selecting the Navigation button in Full Site Editor

On the next page, you will see a list of all your pages.

There, just click the pencil ‘Edit’ button next to Navigation.

Clicking the Edit button to modify the navigation menu with Full Site Editor

Go ahead and click the Menu block so that the block toolbar shows up.

After that, click the ‘Edit’ button.

Editing the page list block in Full Site Editor

A popup will appear asking if you want to detach your ‘Page List’ block from the version that automatically displays all of your published pages. Doing this will let you add, delete, or reorder the pages in that list.

Go ahead and click ‘Detach’ to continue.

Detaching the page list block from the navigation menu in Full Site Editor

Now, simply click on a menu item inside the block.

Then, use the right and left arrows in the toolbar to rearrange the order of pages.

Reordering the page list using the toolbar in WordPress Full Site Editor

You can also do the same thing in the Block settings sidebar by clicking the three-dot button next to a menu item.

You will then see options to move the item up or down, add a sub-menu, or remove the page from the menu.

Reordering the WordPress pages in the block settings sidebar using the Full Site Editor

Once you are happy with how the menu looks, just click the ‘Save’ button.

Method 4: Reorder WordPress Menu Items Using the Menu Editor (Classic Themes)

If you use a classic WordPress theme, then you can reorganize the WordPress pages in your menu using the menu editor.

Simply go to Appearance » Menus to get started. If you haven’t created a menu yet, then you can read our guide on how to add a navigation menu in WordPress.

To reorder the menu items, you can just drag and drop the pages, like so:

Dragging and dropping menu items in the WordPress Menu Editor

Alternatively, you can click on the arrow sign in the menu item.

Then, you will see some options to move the page up, down, to the top, or under a parent page.

Rearranging the menu structure in the WordPress Menu Editor

When you are satisfied with the menu structure, just click ‘Save Menu.’

Bonus: How to Reorder Posts on Your WordPress Blog Homepage

We have already talked about how to reorder WordPress pages, but how about reorganizing your blog posts?

If you have a blog page on your WordPress website, then you may notice that its posts get automatically arranged in reverse chronological order (from the most recent posts to the least recent).

This is already a good option by default, as users will be able to see your latest content piece. However, there might be instances where you want a particular post to always be highlighted, such as when you are promoting a special event.

In this case, then you may want to check out our step-by-step guide on how to easily reorder blog posts in WordPress.

This tutorial goes through several methods to reorganize your WordPress posts, from using the Post Types Order plugin and adding code to your functions.php file to reorganizing your product pages with WooCommerce.

We hope this article helped you learn how to organize or reorder WordPress pages with drag and drop. You may also want to check out our list of the most wanted WordPress tips, tricks, and hacks and our expert pick of must-have WordPress plugins to grow your website.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Organize or Reorder WordPress Pages with Drag & Drop first appeared on WPBeginner.

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