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WordPress SEO

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Utilizzate il nostro servizio SEO per WordPress per aumentare il traffico e le entrate

Avete problemi con la SEO di WordPress? Creeremo una solida base SEO sul vostro sito web per garantirvi un posizionamento più elevato, un aumento del traffico e una crescita a lungo termine.

Perché assumere gli esperti SEO di WPBeginner?

Abbiamo aiutato oltre 100.000 persone a iniziare a lavorare con WordPress. Ecco tutto ciò che otterrete assumendoci per ottimizzare la SEO di WordPress.

Smettere di lottare con la SEO – Impostazione con una solida struttura SEO

Siete stanchi di armeggiare con la SEO e di vedere risultati minimi? Il nostro team di esperti SEO può gestire gli aspetti tecnici per voi. Con noi al vostro fianco, otterrete:

  • Audit SEO tecnico per correggere i problemi SEO del sito
  • Ricerca di parole chiave e ottimizzazione SEO on page
  • Ottimizzazione SEO locale per le aziende che si rivolgono a clienti locali

Abbiamo una vasta conoscenza ed esperienza nell’ottimizzazione di siti web WordPress e abbiamo sviluppato un processo semplificato per garantire un’esperienza gratuita.

Iniziate subito!

Liberate il vostro potenziale di traffico – Ottenete strategie SEO comprovate per la crescita

Indipendentemente dal vostro settore, siamo in grado di potenziare la vostra presenza online. Il nostro processo SEO completo si avvale di strategie comprovate per attirare clienti e migliorare le vostre classifiche di ricerca:

  • Creazione di contenuti convincenti per migliorare la visibilità online del sito
  • Acquisizione di backlink di alta qualità da siti web autorevoli
  • Ottimizzazione del sito web per i dispositivi mobili per aumentare il traffico organico

I nostri esperti SEO conducono anche ricerche approfondite sulle parole chiave, completano audit SEO, eseguono l’ottimizzazione SEO locale, impostano Google Search Console e molto altro ancora.

Iniziate subito!

Aumentare le classifiche dei motori di ricerca – Ottenere risultati SEO tangibili

Abbiamo una comprovata esperienza nel fornire risultati reali ai nostri clienti. Con i nostri servizi esperti di SEO per WordPress, la vostra azienda può raggiungere:

  • Aumento delle classifiche e del traffico organico
  • Maggiore notorietà del brand
  • Tassi di conversione più elevati

Inoltre, vi terremo informati in ogni fase del processo. Forniamo normali aggiornamenti e report dettagliati per aiutarvi a misurare il vostro successo SEO.

Iniziate subito!

L’unica soluzione conveniente di cui abbiate mai bisogno

Costi elevati per i servizi SEO e risultati mediocri possono essere frustranti per le piccole imprese. Per questo motivo offriamo soluzioni di qualità ed economicamente vantaggiose, studiate su misura per le piccole imprese:

  • Pubblicazione di guest post di alta qualità su siti rinomati.
  • Ottimizzazione delle caratteristiche principali del web per migliorare l’esperienza dell’utente
  • Ottimizzazione avanzata di rich snippet e schema markup

Non accontentatevi di risultati mediocri. Lasciate che i nostri esperti SEO di WordPress vi aiutino a sbloccare il pieno potenziale del vostro sito web, senza dover spendere una fortuna.

Iniziate subito!

Servizio SEO – Come funziona

Impostazione di solide basi SEO per il vostro sito web WordPress in 3 semplici passi.

Step 1Scegliere un piano

Scegliete il pacchetto perfetto per le esigenze del vostro sito dalla nostra gamma di opzioni di servizi SEO facoltativi.


Step 2A bordo

Parleremo dei vostri obiettivi e inizieremo a preparare la configurazione del vostro sito web per una SEO ottimale.

Step 3Ottenere le basi SEO

Sedetevi e rilassatevi mentre i nostri esperti gettano le basi per il successo del vostro sito web sui motori di ricerca.

Non fidatevi delle nostre parole

Ecco cosa dicono i nostri clienti…

Di recente sono rimasto molto bloccato nella migrazione di un account wordpress da .com a .org. Ho inviato il modulo di contatto su WPBeginner e sono rimasto molto colpito dalla qualità del loro servizio: le loro conoscenze sono davvero sorprendenti, rispondono molto rapidamente e sono stati molto pazienti nel rispondere a tutte le mie domande di base.

— Olivia Louise Grey

Ho commesso l’errore di impostare il mio blog tramite, non sapendo di aver commesso un errore da principiante. Sapevo di dover impostare l’host e di dover migrare il sito, ma cercare di farlo da sola mi ha confuso molto.

Archana del team di supporto di WPBeginner ha risposto alla mia richiesta di aiuto in meno di 24 ore. Mi ha accompagnato in tutti i passaggi e il team si è occupato di tutto-in-uno. Nel giro di 3 giorni, tutto è stato migrato e non mi resta che trasferire il mio dominio su Siteground e sarò a posto!!!

Questo servizio mi ha salvato la vita e non potrò mai dire abbastanza cose positive su WPBeginner. Un servizio incredibile, nessun espediente e tutto è stato gestito in modo eccellente. Lo consiglio vivamente!

— A. Scott

Volevo spostare il mio sito web da a, ma non avevo idea di come fare. Quando mi sono imbattuta nel servizio di configurazione gratuito di WPBeginner mi è sembrato troppo bello per essere vero, ma tutto sembrava confermato e ho trovato alcune verifiche davvero positive, così ho fatto il grande passo. Sono molto contenta di averlo fatto! È stata un’esperienza fantastica dall’inizio alla fine.

— Katie Puckett

Ho perso il conto di quante volte WPBeginner mi ha aiutato. Grazie!

— Jane Frith

Prezzi delle Fondazioni SEO

Il modo più conveniente per ottimizzare la SEO di WordPress.
“Servizi SEO essenziali”
  • Configurazione del plugin gratuito e delle caratteristiche di AIOSEO
  • Ottimizzazione on-page (fino a 10 pagine)
  • Google Analytics con MonsterInsights
  • Ricerca di parole chiave (fino a 5 parole chiave)
  • Report sulla panoramica del dominio
Il miglior valore
“Migliora il tuo gioco SEO”
  • Licenza e configurazione di AIOSEO Pro (valore di $600/anno)
  • Ottimizzazione on-page (fino a 25 pagine)
  • Google Analytics con MonsterInsights
  • Ricerca di parole chiave (fino a 10 parole chiave)
  • Report sulla panoramica del dominio
  • Configurazione di Google Search Console con la caratteristica IndexNow di AIOSEO

Perché i servizi WPBeginner?

Ecco alcuni motivi per cui i servizi di WPBeginner Pro sono la scelta migliore per voi.

Oltre 10 anni di esperienza in WordPress

Negli ultimi dieci anni, abbiamo aiutato oltre 100.000 persone a iniziare a lavorare con WordPress e a realizzare i progetti WordPress dei loro sogni.

Servizi personalizzati su misura per voi

Che siate blogger, piccoli imprenditori o commercianti di e-commerce, offriamo servizi personalizzati in base alle vostre esigenze individuali.

Assistenza clienti su cui poter contare

Lottiamo per il successo dei nostri clienti. Ci impegniamo al massimo per assicurarci che la vostra esperienza con noi sia la migliore possibile.

Domande comuni

Siamo a vostra disposizione per qualsiasi domanda su piani, prezzi e caratteristiche supportate.

Quanto tempo ci vuole per vedere i risultati del vostro servizio SEO?

Dipende da diversi fattori. Tuttavia, il nostro obiettivo è quello di ottenere miglioramenti misurabili entro i primi mesi dall’implementazione della SEO.

Come faccio a monitorare le prestazioni della mia campagna SEO?

Vi teniamo informati in ogni fase del processo, fornendovi analisi e report completi. Avrete accesso a metriche chiave come il posizionamento delle parole chiave, i dati sul traffico e altro ancora, che vi permetteranno di monitorare i progressi e prendere decisioni informate su chi siamo.

Cosa succede se gli algoritmi dei motori di ricerca cambiano durante la campagna?

Ci impegniamo a tenere il passo con i cambiamenti degli algoritmi di ricerca. In caso di modifiche agli algoritmi, adattiamo le nostre strategie per minimizzare qualsiasi impatto potenziale e continuare a ottenere risultati.


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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257 commentiLascia una risposta

  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Hajjalah says

    Indeed your articles are a must-read for every beginner blogger. I personally like the detailed step by step nature of your articles. I usually see articles online suggesting that indexing for a new blog takes weeks to months.
    Trust me, that is not correct if you read this article. When I followed this article’s guide, my small new blog was indexed after two days by Google and It is now indexed every two days. Yes two days.
    My traffic is now atleast 100 visitors per day and 99% from Google impressions. Indeed WPBeginner is more than best.

  3. Moinuddin Waheed says

    I have been doing seo so long and I was not aware about whether Google considers www and non www websites as two separate entities.
    This is exactly what I mean to say when I say, each time I come across these topics, I get new insights into things which I otherwise wouldn’t have noticed at first.
    These simple seo steps may seem unimportant but for seo perspective they are pivotal in making real seo progress.

  4. Temitayo Ayanda says

    This is a very thorough and detailed explanation regarding SEO. This post is like a course to me. Thanks for this. I’m familiar with Yoast SEO plugin, I think I will also try this AIOSEO plugin for any of my next clients website.

  5. Rahul Dubey says

    Mastering WordPress SEO is a solid foundation, but taking it a step further with the right plugins and tools is the key to staying ahead in the game. Your list is like a treasure trove for anyone looking to elevate their SEO game on WordPress.

  6. Mudiwa Nyoni says

    Hey, Just wanted to drop a quick note to say thank you so much! This blog has been a huge help and it’s really cleared up all the confusion I had till now. Seriously, you’re a lifesaver!

  7. mohadese esmaeeli says

    In my opinion, SEO is not just optimization for search engines, and we should always prioritize the user. We should create content, offer products, or even design with the user in mind. Google’s robots certainly recognize these delightful user experiences, and user-centric websites are valued more. This way, many additional costs gradually diminish.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      It is certainly a good idea to write for your users first, adding SEO recommendations on top of writing for your users is normally the best course for SEO long term :)


  8. mohadese esmaeeli says

    Yes, I agree. Indeed, this article was gold! It greatly helped me understand my issues, and I learned several new and practical tips. However, I am still studying in the field of technical SEO.

  9. mohadese esmaeeli says

    great content Hello, I wish you could provide a separate and comprehensive guide on on-page SEO and technical SEO along with their respective outlines.

  10. mohadese esmaeeli says

    Hello, this guide was comprehensive and excellent. Thank you.
    I had a question about this section “Using SEO Friendly URL Structures in WordPress”
    When setting up WordPress category addresses, the term “category” is displayed in all addresses. How can I configure it so that I can include a custom address without the term “category” in the link?

  11. Jiří Vaněk says

    Greatly written list. The AIO SEO plugin helped me the most. What really helped to improve the results were the markup schema. He found that it is great to put HOW TO in the instructions and also that it helps a lot to put FAQ questions and answers at the end of the articles in the article where it is useful. This helped me get more in the advanced search results. Although it takes some time for a person to create a mark up schema, it is very easy with AIO SEO. Now it goes back to the older articles and I add them. It really shows a lot in the results. In addition, many websites do not use markup schemes, giving you a certain advantage over the competition website.

  12. Fajri says

    I am an SEO specialist myself focusing on local SEO.

    One of my “a must checklist” is adding FAQ schema to my article as it helps it trigger rich snippet appearance in google search.

    Some SEO plugin can help you make it, but you can also get help by using html schema generator available online.

    • Jiří Vaněk says

      I absolutely agree. Schemas and FAQs help a lot to get in the advanced search results. If the content of the site allows it, the FAQ and the additional markup scheme are a great tool to get an advanced search for the given keyword, and that’s great. If you don’t know how to use markup schemes, install AIO SEO. It can add them in a few clicks and is easy even for beginners.

      • mohadese esmaeeli says

        Hello dear friend,
        I used various methods to include schema and frequently asked questions in Google search results. For instance, I used to insert a ready-made code snippet at the end of WordPress articles and then customize it accordingly.
        They were displayed quite well in Google search results. The plugin couldn’t be installed before. However, now this feature has been added to the Gutenberg editor, and it is easy to have schema for posts.

  13. Piotr Z says

    This is gold!

    I took a lot of notes. I already have been doing some stuff, but for instance internal links – it is so much I can improve. And for some reason I didn’t check plugins, but if this could be automated?!

    Thanks for this comprehensive post!

    • WPBeginner Support says

      SEO is important to help search engines find your site and decide to display it to new visitors :)


    • Moinuddin Waheed says

      Search engine optimisation for every blog and website is of utmost importance because of several reasons.
      the main reason for starting a blog is to generate a handsome revenue and the revenue will be generated only if we get traffic on our blog. To get traffic to our blog or website we need to make sure to create relevant content, the content that people/ customer or audience is interested about.
      Here comes the role of search engine optimisation. it ensures your articles and posts reaches to the intended audience.

    • Mrteesurez says

      SEO as it’s denotes: Search Engine Optimization.
      When you optimize your blog for search engines, you will see free direct traffic from Google and other search engine you optimized it for.

      Search engines are popular and people go to it daily to search for information and guides. Google only is having almost 80 billion+ visits per months.

      You know how much it will take you in term of advertising your blog but with SEO, you will receive free massive traffic of new people visiting your blog.

    • Jiří Vaněk says

      Optimizing for SEO will save you a lot of money on paid advertising. If the website is well optimized for SEO, you will save money on paid advertising because you will be seen even without advertising. Plus, everyone who writes a blog wants their content to be seen. The unwritten rule says that people click on the website so that at most the tenth search position. If you continue, no one will probably read your content. That’s why it’s important. The second thing that is related to this is the headlines. Even if you will be in the first positions, it is important to use the headline to attract people to click on the link. Headlines are terribly underrated, but if you make a user-appealing headline, you can have more readers on position 4 than on position 1. They are just attracted by the headline. So SEO is the alpha and omega for increasing the number of visits.

      • Peter Iriogbe says

        While the comment makes good points about SEO helping your website get noticed, it’s like a piece of a puzzle. You see, there are other important pieces like having great content, making sure visitors have a good experience, and being relevant to what people are looking for. SEO isn’t a magic fix for everything, and how well it works can depend on what your website is about, who you’re up against, and what you want to achieve with your site. It’s a bit like tailoring a suit – one size doesn’t fit all!

  14. Muayyad M Karadsheh says

    My Search Engine Visibility section is not showing up in my admin section? what should I do?

  15. T.A. Creech says

    I’ve been banging my head on learning SEO for days. Thanks to this post, I got the basics, FINALLY. Thank you!

    • WPBeginner Support says

      There are many different opinions on article length depending on the niche you are in and what you are writing about. If we have a specific recommendation we will be sure to share then in this article but we do not have one at the moment.


  16. GK says

    Thanks for such a comprehensive SEO guide for WordPress SEO.
    I got a really good grasp of WordPress SEO.

  17. Kathryn says

    Thank you for this informative article! Helping me a lot to understand SEO and how to more effectively help my posts to be more effective.

  18. Pragyan says

    Hi, Syed … Its reall y an awesome article.
    But I have one qury …. and that is –
    Do I have to create Site Map only once (or) Do I have to create Site Map everytime I create a new post???

  19. Oyekanmi olamilekan says

    You guys never disappointed me when it comes to building a website that meet expection. Your content are rich and make me keep my clients.

  20. Sora says

    Thanx a lot for detailed article. I’ve a question. I recently started a blog about travel and thinking about wordpress seo plugin. Which one is better: AIOSEO or Yoast Seo?

  21. Amber German says

    I just wanted say that you’re brilliant. I’ve recently switched my blog from a free Blogger account to a self hosted WordPress account, based on your recommendations and that I knew it would be better for my blog. I love seeing your explanations for all of the steps and options for building a website or blog, and then seeing them in action right here on yours. It helps the learning process. It’s definitely not as simple as I’d imagined (200 simple steps equals a lot more complication), but thanks to this site, I know I’ll get there eventually. I literally couldn’t do it without you.

  22. Andre Lima says

    Perfect article. It helps me a lot and I am able to get a better SEO score. I have a doubt my site is without a WWW prefix. But I am able to reach both (with and without WWW). My configuration in wordpress is without WWW. Is there any issues for Search Engines to keep the configuration like that?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      There should not be an issue with that, you may want to ensure with your host that you are redirecting to the version you would prefer your site to be found.


  23. James Emmanuel says

    Great article, Thanks for nicely analised steps. I will consider following them one by one for my post.

    Keep up the Good work.

  24. Trina says

    Literally the best article I’ve read since deciding to start a blog. It took me hours to read but I took so many notes and can’t wait to apply everything you covered. Huge credit to you for making this an interesting and very helpful article. I will be back for more!

  25. Malati Shankar says

    Such an in-depth information. As a new blogger this kind of posts are really encouraging and motivating.

    Thank you and regards.

  26. Sumedha Dutta says

    Thanks a ton for this really informative and in-depth article. Means a lot to new bloggers such as myself. :)

  27. Adam Joseph says

    In the section which mentions permalinks, I can’t follow the steps because the option is not available in the admin menu. Is this option only available for WordPress Business Accounts? I’ve got a Premium Account “only”.

  28. Riyanna says

    Thankyou for this very wonderful and informative article. As a beginner the informations shared here helped me a lot to gain a much better understanding on WordPress SEO. Thank you and wishing you all the very best in all your future endeavors…

  29. AbdulRaheem says

    Nice and handy article. This website has been my key reference for the past 6-years and the contents still looks new.

  30. Rashidah says

    A highly informative article (for a digital dummy like me); thank you!

    This post is jam packed with useful pointers. Readers will find valuable info covering many topics.

    I used to try learning WordPress from everywhere (I intend to start blogging). That was confusing but since I joined WPBeginner FB page, learning is so much easier (it is like a one-stop learning centre).

    Keep up the good work, Team!

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